Family Reboot Logos and Key Art
Family Reboot follows families that have become so busy with their individual lives, whether it’s from a busy job, going back to school, after school activities, keeping up with social media, sports or running a business, that they have lost touch with one another. In each episode, a family takes a full week away from their busy schedules to go on a journey to reconnect and rebuild their family bonds. Leaving their phones, laptops, and all other devices behind, they must find their way to their week-long accommodations the “old fashioned way”, with just a paper map in hand. On arrival, they’re greeted by their Family Reboot guide, who welcomes them to their journey and directs them to their first activity, finding the key to their house for the week. Once the families have gotten inside and have chosen the rooms they must share, the guide talks to the parents about how the week ahead can benefit them the most, whether it’s finding ways to connect with their children, with each other or both. For the next several days, it’s more fun and games interspersed with meaningful conversations that the families typically haven’t had time to have. All organized by the guide, the week’s journey focuses on working together, communicating, and most of all having fun, reminding the family to put aside their distractions and busy schedules to come together again and make new memories. The families leave the journey completely “rebooted” – more connected, happier, and ready to take on their busy lives at home again, but with an entirely new outlook.
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